Monday, July 24, 2006

A new on monday

Good morning, TaDRIG
A good new for you that our ideal in TaIPN2_2006 was accepted and funded by American Veteran Foundation. In this week detail plan, we have to work with RCGAD experts for making a formal proposal and then submit it to AVF before the project will be implemented in August, 2006. During the project implemented period, TaDRI will introduce and recommend 2 - 3 members as participatiing researchers.
Pacific Ocean

Friday, July 21, 2006

Message on Friday

I start my message to day with a good new for you, TaDRIG.

  1. The project coded TaNPN2_2006 was accepted and it will be implemented in the coming month. Ms. Hanh will be a TaDRI coordinator in this Project.
  2. The project coded TaIPNo2_2006 was sent to funding organization and the anwser will be given back to us soon. Mr. Hien will be continued his work relating this project. He is a TaDRI coordinator, if project will be approved.
  3. Regarding to implemeting process of other project , I would like to inform you that project TaMPN3_2005 will have a last presentation on August 2th, 2006. Ms Ki Ku will have a important duty to prepare some relating materials before the presentation time.

Best regards and hope you are always happy.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Important information related to Sociological History Project

More important information !
The Sponsor has required us to translate many pages of French documentations. So, we must collect documentations in French, of course, focusing on Sociological History. Please contact to me immediately if anyone (it's you who are reading) have found some documentations like that.
(Sorry about my English writting, now it's too bad. But It will be better in the future, I hope that...)
Have a nice day, all TaDRI members !
TaDRI Hieu

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

TaDRI continuously translates the History of Sociolgy

Last year, more than 300 History of Sociology pages was translated by TaDRI group as a project which funded by FORD FOUNDATION. Moving to other stage of project, continuously TaDRIG is going to translate the other material resources related to History of Sociology, especially and focusingly on contemporaruy Ameriacan literatures. We hope one day all of useful materials translated will be edited by experts with professional works and then published as possible. Relating to weekly works, TaDRI group 1 will have a meeting, discussion and making a detail plan.We hope they will have the interesting and successful works.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

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Posted by Hieu, Nguyen Trung